the zucchini brothers the zucchini brothers

Photo Wall (Show 1308)

Mr. and Mrs. Zucchini had fun looking at old pictures of Jack, Steve and Sam. So, how 'bout a neat photo idea...a photo wall! It's a meaningful contribution you can make for a birthday, anniversary, or going-away celebration for someone special. A photo wall allows the person to take a photographic journey of his or her life by walking around the room.
You'll need:
* one or more long pieces of yarn
* clear tape
* photographs from the person's life
First, arrange the photographs in chronological order as best you can. Next, carefully secure the photos to the length of yarn (in chronological order). If you have too many photos for one piece of yarn, then continue attaching photos to a second piece of yarn, which could go either below the first piece of yarn or on another wall. Once you've attached all the photos, attach the piece(s) of yarn to the wall with two pieces of tape or two tacks.
When it's time to honor that special person, bring him or her into the room to take the photo tour. The person being honored will feel extra special when others take the photo tour, as well! This activity may generate some nostalgic discussion about important moments in the person's life, thus creating memories, in itself! A photo wall is a nice tradition for celebrating a child's birthday; it would get longer each year, allowing the child to see how much s/he has grown through the years!


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